Apply custom font-family to your pages. Available formats are:
Typography stack is an extension to the UIkit framework, adding much flexibility for the use fonts and font sources. We can set the fonts to up to 10 assignments and access these assignments in Customizer or in a range of other stacks like the Headings, Nav, Navbar, Tabs etc. Some stacks, like the Navbar, allows for different fonts to be assigned to, one for the brand and other for the menu text.
Google FontPlayfair Display
Set the font name, fallback and font weight loader according to Google font specifications. Then assign the font to a Typography number: this assignment will be used in Customizer and any other stack of your choice (Headings, Text, Nav, Navbar components etc).
Typekit FontAdobe Caslon Pro
Enter the Typekit project ID number, found at your Typekit web projects tab. Enter the font name as shown in Typekit web usage tab, example: adobe-caslon-pro. Set the font loader according to your file and assign the font to a Typography number.
Link the font file of your choice using the Local Font option, you may use RapidWeaver resources. Set the font type: TrueType, OpenType, Web Open File Format and Web Open File Format 2 are all supported. Set the font loader according to your file and assign the font to a Typography number.
Standard FontArial Black
Enter the font name, example: Arial Black. Set the fallback, font style, font weight and then assign the Typography number.